The Pupsicle - A New Breed of Dog Toy

Описание к видео The Pupsicle - A New Breed of Dog Toy

The Pupsicle is an amazing new toy that makes it easy to entertain your pup (and enjoy some sweet quiet in the process).

Pre-freeze treats with the companion treat-mold, then unscrew and load the toy for a long-lasting dog distraction!

Anxious dog? Freeze calming treats to soothe them. Energetic puppy? Prep snacks to give you a break throughout the day.

The Pupsicle opens in the middle making it easier to clean & fill than a Kong. It’s safer than bones, being made from natural rubber that doesn’t chip into dangerous shards. It’ll save you a ton of money that you used to spend on expensive dog chews.

It’s simple, elegant and incredibly useful. Visit Woof today to get one as a gift, or try one for yourself! -


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