I Tested The NEW R6 Update

Описание к видео I Tested The NEW R6 Update

In this video i tried out the new changes in Year 9 Season 2.3 of R6 , there are some big changes and we got some great plays with it! Make sure to like and sub, Enjoy!

Thanks for watching! Remember to :)

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Sensitivity :
14/15 35/56/57/59/60/89 | 400DPI

Everything low/off

Aspect Ratio➔ 16:10
Refresh Rate➔ 240
FOV➔ 87

Mouse➔Superlight (red)
Mousemat➔ raiden XS
Monitor➔BenQ Zowie XL2540K 24.5 inch 240Hz
Keyboard➔ Ducky One 2 SF
Headphones➔ beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO

I Tested The NEW R6 Update


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