What I Did to Cure my Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (Chronic Hives)

Описание к видео What I Did to Cure my Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (Chronic Hives)

(This is the "long version" of a series of four videos also posted to this channel. It covers the same content, just all in one long talk instead of broken up. Also, the diet information references salt but this must be SEA SALT as regular iodized salt contains histamines)

I've had Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria (CIU) since 1997. I've seen nine different doctors, both conventional and naturopathic, tried many medications, and experimented with several different treatments. I've found several tricks that work to get rid of my hives when they flare up. It's such a relief living life in remission from Chronic Hives and I wanted to share in the information I've found in case it might help someone else.

Here is a list of the links mentioned in the video:

Histamine Foods: https://www.mastzellaktivierung.info/...

Nightshade Fruits and Vegetables:

Foods with Salicylates:

Th1/Th2 Imbalance:

Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory:

DAO supplements in the USA. The link below is their highest dosage:

There is a new source for DAO in Canada. Much lower dosage but the price is right in CAD dollars. (You'll need to open an account for the link to work):
https://ca.fullscript.com/u/catalog/p... (I'm also told DAO is available off the shelf at this store in the Toronto Area, although I haven't been there myself so best to call first to confirm inventory: https://bmsresources.ca/?SID=aff44a64...)

There are several support groups on Facebook you can check out for Chronic Urticaria. There are many but I found these most active:
  / chronicurticariasolutionseekers  
  / 275968795887247  
  / 117649428245889  


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