Stress Management at Workplace

Описание к видео Stress Management at Workplace


The increase in work-related stress among working adults have been reported worldwide. Among the eight job categories reviewed by Kassim et al. (2018), teachers were reported to have the highest magnitude of occupational stress. Support systems for teachers are mostly institute-dependent, where teachers are provided with professional development courses to prepare themselves with teaching and learning techniques only and often not on its association with teacher's stress and mental health (2018 Sandilos). There is a lack of conventional methods in specifically addressing the mental and emotional health of teachers. This talk presents an effective stress support management system that can be implemented within a working environment can provide teachers with a stress-coping tool, thus allowing them to personally address their stress level and mental performance at an early stage. This study proposes a stress management system that integrates neurofeedback training with virtual reality teaching environment.


Dr Syed Saad Azhar Ali
Center for Intelligent Signal & Imaging Research

Electrical & Electronic Engineering Department

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS


Syed Saad Azhar Ali received the B.E. degree in electrical engineering from NED University, Pakistan, and the master's and doctoral degrees in nonlinear control from the King Fand University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He was with Air University and Iqra University prior to being engaged as Associate Professor with the Center of Intelligent Signal and Imaging Research, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. He is a senior member of IEEE Malaysia chapter and treasurer of IEEE RAS. Recently, he has been involved in neurosignal processing. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed publications, including four books/chapters. His research focus has been on neurosignal processing, EEG neurofeedback protocols for stress, intelligent control, signal processing, underwater robotics with the emphasis on image enhancement, and 3-D scene reconstruction. He is the PI for several funded research projects.


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