Adat Resam Kaum Dayak Iban Pengawa Ngetas Ulit

Описание к видео Adat Resam Kaum Dayak Iban Pengawa Ngetas Ulit

In this video, DD Family Channel will be showing a bit of different video of iban tradition which is NGETAS ULIT (FORMAL CLOSING OF THE MOURNING PERIOD) and Muai Entabalu (SEPARATING THE FLOWERS)

Some days after the ulit mourning period has expired, the deceased’s family gathers together the people of the longhouse to their ruai gallery for the family head to inform them of his family’s intention to close the mourning period with a ngetas ulit ceremony. He will beg all the people to stay at home the next day to witness the opening ceremony.

A month or two after the opening of the ulit mourning period, the deceased’s family will now sever the bonds of affection between the deceased and the members of his or her family remaining in this world in a final rite of farewell. To accomplish this, manang, or shaman, is invited by the bereaved family to recite the incantations of the besarara bunga ceremony, meaning, literally, “the separating of the flowers”. Ordinarily this is done as soon after the opening of ulit as possible because the Iban believe that the dead may endanger their loved ones and cause their death so that their souls may join them in the other world, if these ties of affection between the living and the dead are not spiritually separated.

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