Unboxing Heaven and Earth Designs Blank Canvas & Jaded Gem Shop || Converting a Cross Stitch Series

Описание к видео Unboxing Heaven and Earth Designs Blank Canvas & Jaded Gem Shop || Converting a Cross Stitch Series

I hope you enjoyed this video!

🛍Creatively Stitching: https://etsy.me/2Ak085F

🛍Heaven and Earth Designs: https://heavenandearthdesigns.com

🛍Jaded Gem Shop: https://www.jadedgemshop.com

😊How you can support my channel 😊Buymeadietcoke: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Emeralds

Like, Subscribe, and Comment is also a great way to support the channel!


My affiliate link for 15% off your first purchase with 💎Diamond Art Club💎

My affiliate code for Dreamer Designs
✨Emeralds15✨ for 15% off your order!

My Affiliate code for Craft-Ease
✨Emeralds20✨ for 20% off your order!

My Affiliate code for DIYmoonshop
✨emeralds✨ enter where you would put your coupon code to let DIYmoonshop know I sent you!

By using any of my afiliate codes you may help me earn a small commission to support my channel. 😊


A little about me:
Hi, I’m Lindsay, a stay at home mom and part time event coordinator. With the pandemic I'm a quarantined stay at home mom and a part time event canceller and rescheduler. Its the joke I tell people. I'm married to my best friend Gary and we have two darling boys James (3) and Remy (1). This is not my first youtube channel, I had a K-pop Unboxing Channel called K-cray I started in 2012 and uploaded till 2014. I started Diamond Painting in June 2020.

Contact and Social Media
Email : [email protected]
Instagram:   / emeraldsandfairylights  

My Diamond Painting Tools

Bella Art de Nicole Tray: https://www.bellaartdenicole.com/prod...

Diamond Painting Pen:https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08...

Cooper Coast Creations: https://instagram.com/coopercoastcrea...

Diamond Painting Containers:
Harbor Freight: https://www.harborfreight.com/24-cont...
Round Containers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08...
Elizabeth Ward Containers: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...

Where I get my Sparklers:


Diamond Drills USA: https://diamonddrillsusa.com enjoyed this video


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