How EZ-FLO Works + How To Install Mainline System

Описание к видео How EZ-FLO Works + How To Install Mainline System

This one product will change the way you fertilise, apply soil wetters, soil amendments, seaweed products and more.
Find out more on our EZ-FLO website

1. No more dry fertiliser applications followed by the “watering in” process
2. Placement is more accurate and uniform
3. Applied through irrigation, garden hose or sprinklers, therefore, nutrients land where the water lands
4. Immediately available to plants, crops or turf
5. Uptake of nutrients by roots is improved
6. Saving labour as nutrients are applied automatically, in the evening or early in the morning
7. Reducing water, as plants develop a healthier more extensive root system
8. Eliminate nutrient losses
9. Reduce environmental issues such as runoff
Traditionally, fertigation was reserved for huge commercial applications and budgets. But now, we have the perfect solution for every sized residential home.
Huge benefits are seen from 'microdosing' using EZ-FLO injection systems vs bulk feeding. Nutrients are made immediately available to your plants. About 90-95% of microdosed fertiliser is absorbed by the plant roots and leaves and reduces fertiliser wastage by up to 60%.
👉 How it works:
1. Add fertilisers, seaweed liquids, soil wetters, supplements + more to the EZ-FLO tank*.
2. Connect to your tap or irrigation system.
3. Adjust mix rate using the dial
👉 You're now boosting the power of every drop of water.
This allows you to deliver key nutrients to your plants and lawn in an easier and more efficient way.


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