How to Shave Your Head with a Safety Razor

Описание к видео How to Shave Your Head with a Safety Razor

Good morning and welcome to another TRC How to tutorial video and I am Chad. Thanks for joining us!

Today we are talking about head shaves. Now they are just like the way you shave your face...but not. The same but different. Simple yet hard. Confused? Well you won't be..just watch the video and read on.

For the razor and blade choice I would choose one that you feel is a rather mild combination. No need to go super aggressive for your first head shave. In addition it should be noted that if you are leaving ANY part of your hair on your head you may want to invest in a second hand held mirror that will aid you in making sure you cut in the angles the way you want...pun intended! Otherwise a simple touch of the hand will determine if you missed a spot or not

First and foremost you need to map your head the same way you do your face. Determine which way the hair grows. This is more easily done after a few days of growth and right after a shower.

Lather your head with a lather that is nice and hydrated with full yogurt consistency-like peaks. For your first head shave I would make sure you choose a cream or soap that you are familiar enough with to make this type of lather...experimentation on any software or hardware can wait for another day and should not be reserved for your first head shave experience!
Once you determine which way the hair grows, shaving with the grain would be my advice for a first pass. As with the face, stretch the skin, mind the moles, bumps, curves and divots because we all have 'em and they can be a bear if not paid special attention to. Make sure you maintain that 30 degree angle or whatever angle is the cutting angle for your razor of choice. Now take your time. This can be difficult at first but after some experimentation you will be able to build the muscle memory needed to get a smooth head shave on a regular basis. As with anything takes practice.
Once your initial pass is done rinse your head with some water to make sure it stays slick and hydrated. Your first head shave will probably go slower than you may be used to thus increasing the chance of your skin drying out in between need to take chances here!
Re apply the lather as you would for s subsequent pass on your face making sure to cover the whole area and have a nice slick platform for the razor to glide on. The next pass in my opinion should be a cross grain or some variation of it. Pay attention to which way your cross grain is going because your next pass will be another cross grain in the opposite direction. I do these in halves. What I mean by that is I start with my first cross grain going from nose to ear direction stopping at approximately the middle of the back of my head. I do this on each side of my head. I then rinse, re apply the lather and cross grain it again but this time from the approximate middle of the back of my head back in the other direction. Essentially ear to nose direction. On each side of my head.
By now you should have a pretty smooth skin experience happening. If you feel you want that extra something you can go one step further and do an against the grain pass. Now I know this seems like a lot of passes and that's because...we;; is. You have to remember that this is just a template. Something for you to be able to take all, some or even none of and apply it to your own wants/needs. I know guys that shave their head with one against the grain pass and call it done. I tried that once and let's just say that didn't work out for me.
The against-the-grain pass is like the others (assuming you have re-lathered here) the only difference is the cutting angle. I would suggest "riding the cap" on this one and slowly closing the angle until you meet the cutting angle and then going very gently. By "riding the cap" I meant holding the razor almost horizontally...keeping the top cap in contact with the skin and then shaving with short strokes little by little closing that angle each time.

After that I would default to you and say your post shave should be the same as what you do on your face. I am ausre this will be trial and error.

So good luck and remember TAKE YOUR TIME No need to rush this. As you become better and used to the routine it will get faster by the nature of things.

Anyway, that's how I see it, thanks for joining me on another TRC how to video I am Chad from YouTube's CD Shavin, have a great day!

   / cdshavinmurphy  


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