8 Cool Ways To Get On Your Skateboard

Описание к видео 8 Cool Ways To Get On Your Skateboard

8 Cool Ways To Get On Your Skateboard

Naturally I had to make this after doing the video about picking up your board. Admittedly this was a quick one that I made because I am behind after my vacation but I will be back on some good videos soon!

What are some cool ways you like to get on your board, if any?

As always, thank you for watching, and I will see you next time! :)

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Tags: Poway, Skateboarding, Skateboard, Skate, Skater, Sk8, Skating, Vilas Left, Kickflip, Heelflip, Trick, Tricks, Nike, Emerica, Toy Machine, Ollie, Nollie, Fakie, Switch, How To, Flip, Fight, VLSkate, Bail, Manual, Nose, Tail, Dolphin Flip, Stairs, Gap


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