Building Android for the Raspberry Pi by Chris Simmonds, 2net Ltd EN

Описание к видео Building Android for the Raspberry Pi by Chris Simmonds, 2net Ltd EN

This session was given at Paris Android Makers 2019 by Chris Simmonds, 2net Ltd.

More info:

You can run Android on a wide range of devices, not just phones and tablets. Building Android from scratch is fun and a great way to learn about the lower levels of the operating system. Imagine - here is a chance to create ANY Android configuration you want.

In this presentation, I will show you how to take a Raspberry Pi 3 and build Android completely from scratch, using source code from the AOSP (Android Open Source Project). We will need a few things to make this work A Linux kernel that has been configured with the options that Android expects OpenGL ES graphics drivers HAL layers for graphics and networking, amongst other things

The final hurdle is understanding the way that the RPi boots and adapting it to boot Android. Then, at last, we get to the point where we can write the images to a microSD card and boot up the RPi. One last problem: the Raspberry Pi 3 doesn’t have a USB OTG port, so we can’t use ADB in the normal way. No problem, we can use ADB over Ethernet instead.

This presentation focuses on the Raspberry Pi, but in a similar way you can port Android to many other devices. If it can run Linux, there is a good chance it can run Android.

Alex Karp Production


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