Domain Name Kaise Choose Kare | Grow Recruitment Agency Business | Recruitment Agency Business Plan

Описание к видео Domain Name Kaise Choose Kare | Grow Recruitment Agency Business | Recruitment Agency Business Plan

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In this video, we are sharing a practical guide to choosing your domain name for your business.

You will not only learn the strategy to select a domain name but also you will learn about how to create a brand of your business.

My name is Manish Vishwakarma, I help aspiring entrepreneurs start their own initially small business in 30 days or less without worrying about investment.

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आप मुझे अपने doubts मेल कर सकते है, जो भी आप मेल करे उसमे अपना व्हाट्स उप नंबर जरुर लिंखे, जिससे आपको कांटेक्ट करने में आसानी हो.
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Time Stamp -
0:00 Intro
3:38 Work on recruitment agency business
3:58 Business ko online kaise kare
4:30 Domain and hosting kya hota hai
5:42 Why domain name needed in business?
5:50 Why should I research domain name?
6:43 Things to be required to find a domain name
7:05 How to find a domain name
7:46 Business ka naam kaise rakhe
8:20 Practical guide to research domain name

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