The Super Mario Movie Training Scene With Mario Music

Описание к видео The Super Mario Movie Training Scene With Mario Music

The Super Mario Movie Training Scene With Mario Music. If you enjoyed this video make sure to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE :D

00:00 Super Mario Bros 3 Medley - [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
01:16 Super Mario World Medley - [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
02:40 Super Mario 64 - Slider
03:57 Super Mario Sunshine - Delfino Plaza [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
05:20 Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Sames - Opening
06:38 Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games - Opening
07:53 Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Throwback Galaxy
09:16 Super Mario 3D Land - Ground Theme [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
10:33 Mario and Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games - Theme
12:34 New Super Mario Bros. 2 - Athletic/Ground Theme [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
13:58 Paper Mario Medley - Blue Skies, White Clouds [Smash Bros. Ultimate Remix]
15:22 Super Mario 3D World - Athletic Theme
16:48 Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS - Main Theme
18:50 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Main Theme
20:31 Super Mario Odyssey - Jump Up, Super Star!
21:54 Super Mario Odyssey - Break Free

The Super Mario Movie Training Scene With World 1-1 (The Super Mario Bros. Movie OST):    • The Super Mario Movie Training Scene ...  

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