Review: Maschine+ Plus vs Akai MPC vs i7 MacBook Pro: 400+ questions answered...

Описание к видео Review: Maschine+ Plus vs Akai MPC vs i7 MacBook Pro: 400+ questions answered...

Keep asking questions in the comment section! See below for follow ups. If you like the insights in this video, there's plenty more in my ever-expanding book of electronic music ideas, tips and tricks here:

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Check prices here (affiliate links help the channel - thanks!):
► Maschine+ on Sweetwater:
► Maschine Plus on Amazon:
► Maschine Plus on Thomann:
► MPC One on Sweetwater:
► MPC One on Amazon:
► MPC One on Thomann:

Here's my video on morphing MIDI instruments using the Lock feature:
►    • How to create and morph hardware synt...  

Here's my comparison between Akai's MPC One, Live and Live II
►    • Did Akai fix the "cons"? MPC LIVE II ...  

For those asking about WaveSkimmer:

For those asking how to get Reaktor ensembles on MAS+:
1. Make sure you set the Meta Info to Instrument as I show in the video!
2. At the top menu: File - Save As to save the ensemble somewhere
3. Move the .ENS file to the SD Card in this path: Native Instruments - Maschine 2 - Sounds

For those asking how to create and then get Kontakt NKI's on MAS+:
1. Open up Kontakt, and make a new instrument
2. Add your samples in the Mapping Editor
3. Open up to Kontakt Browser and go to the Automation tab
4. Select Host Automation (not the MIDI tab!)
5. Grab any of the available slots and drag them onto a parameter you want to control
6. Make sure you save the NKI files as "Patch + Samples"
7. Copy the .NKI file and samples folder to the SD Card in this path: Native Instruments - Maschine 2 - Sounds. I saved the .NKI in the Sounds folder, and the folder with the samples goes in the same Sounds folder (so, basically the samples live in a sub folder, inside the sounds folder)

Other places I hang out:

► Instagram:   / loopopmusic  
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The internal sample rate is 44.1khz/24 bit, with a sample buffer of 128. I matched the settings on my computer, but increasing the buffer size didn't really improve its performance
Stress testing multiple audio tracks got to 27 simultaneous tracks compared to 80 on my Mac
I'm told you can connect a USB ethernet adapter if you're anti-wifi

0:00 Intro
0:40 Plus vs MK3
4:20 Plus vs 2.7ghz i7
5:50 CPU: Full songs
12:35 CPU: Samples
13:55 CPU: Drums
15:20 CPU: Plugins
22:35 Plugin params
23:40 Kontakt, Reaktor
25:10 Kontakt .NKI
31:05 Reaktor .ENS
32:25 Plus studio hub
33:50 Ext audio interfaces
35:35 MIDI templates
36:05 Locks 4 ext gear
39:00 MPC pros
42:00 Plus pros
48:25 Workflow
52:00 Arranger clips
52:50 Misc differences
53:50 Outro jam

Want to email me personally?

► Ziv (at)

NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any way by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.


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