Shrimp Lures VS. Paddletails [When Should You Use Each?]

Описание к видео Shrimp Lures VS. Paddletails [When Should You Use Each?]

Shrimp Lures VS Paddletails - when are the best times to use either style of lure?

These are the two types of lures that I ALWAYS have with me on every single saltwater fishing trip.

Get any of the gear you saw in the video right HERE:

The key is choosing the right one to match the hatch and to avoid spooking the fish.

Both lures have their own advantages as well as some disadvantages depending on the outside conditions and fish behavior patterns.

Water clarity and other factors will help lead you to the correct lure style to fish with.

If you have any additional questions about the gear, any of the techniques you saw, or really anything else – please go ahead and let me know down in the comments section!!

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