Your Fairytale - Reading of Chapter 1

Описание к видео Your Fairytale - Reading of Chapter 1

Recording from my live reading of Your Fairytale’s first chapter.
Chapter 1, the protagonist’s idyllic life gets challenged when a handwritten note in their book’s margin reveals to them they are just a character of a story.
Will they continue living as if nothing happened or will they leave their book to explore the world outside?

📘 Genre: literary fiction / fantasy
📕 Subgenre: magical realism
📙 Tropes: self-aware protagonist, breaking the forth wall, parallel realms, meta-narrative, self-discovery quest, mentor figures
📓 Themes: comprehension, communication, cooperation; belonging vs. self-fulfilment

🔗 Link to free book:

❓️ What story would you make your life if you could write it?

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