Chapel Lane Graveyard Skibbereen

Описание к видео Chapel Lane Graveyard Skibbereen

Chapel Lane Graveyard, just north of Skibbereen town, is the final resting place of generations of local people and this short film features some of the stories of those buried in this graveyard.

These include many early Fenians; several veterans of the American Civil War; numerous Famine victims, and a man who tried to save them.

This short film features two illustrations relating to Chapel Lane, sketched by the artist James Mahony, which were published in the newspaper the 'Illustrated London News' in February, 1847. One of these illustrations is of the watch house which once stood in the centre of Chapel Lane graveyard where 'the dying could bury themselves' during the horrors of the Great Famine.

We also hear the story of local Fenian Denis Downing who emigrated to fight in the American Civil War. Said to have started a sing-song before the battle at Fredericksburg, Denis later officiated at the execution of the only woman killed for her role in the assassination of American President Abraham Lincoln.

Chapel Lane is also the final resting place of Daniel McCarthy, once a large property owner in Skibbereen. McCarthy was very active in Famine relief in Skibbereen and built a replica of his former home at Lough Hyne just outside Skibbereen.

The video finishes with a short tour of some of the inscribed headstones in the Old Chapel Yard.


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