21 Savage - redrum | FULL TUTORIAL & BREAKDOWN (Adobe After Effects)

Описание к видео 21 Savage - redrum | FULL TUTORIAL & BREAKDOWN (Adobe After Effects)

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21 Savage - redrum | FULL TUTORIAL & BREAKDOWN (Adobe After Effects)
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Today I'm going to breakdown the new 21 Savage Redrum Music video and teach you guys some editing tips and tricks using Adobe After Effects and Premiere. This is a great music video with a lot of simple yet effective editing techniques. Enjoy!

0:00 - Intro
0:39 - Green Paper Tear Transition
2:38 - Easy Freeze Frames & Masking Techniques
5:50 - Paper Texture Split Screen Effects
9:00 - Floating Object Effect
11:00 - Fly on the wall B Roll
12:52 - Easy Masking Effects & Transitions
15:18 - Full guide link to Freeze Frame Face Effect

#aftereffects #tutorial #musicvideo


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