Corruptible Mortal State - Haunted Mansion Fan Film - в тленном, смертном состоянии. мультфильм

Описание к видео Corruptible Mortal State - Haunted Mansion Fan Film - в тленном, смертном состоянии. мультфильм

NOT AFFILIATED WITH DISNEY - WARNING: BRIEF, MILD BLOOD VIOLENCE. Inspired by various experiences and tales surrounding the Mansion as it originally existed from the 1970's-1990's, this film's story centers entirely on the tightrope walker and how she, at one time, was a guest in the Haunted Mansion. There's plenty of surprises referring to the original Record, the Comic Books, and the Video Game. My visual style is based upon Byzantine Greek and Russian art and I tried to make the film look like it was old, similar to a Rankin Bass short.

Voice Cast:
Krystsiyan Papageorgiy
Scylla Papageorgiy
Adam Papageorgiy
Zherard Papageorgiy

Я ўключыў шмат натхнёных вобразаў з атракцыёнаў, відэагульняў і коміксаў Асабняка з прывідамі. Гэта арыгінальная гісторыя, натхнёная безыменнымі героямі атракцыёна. Я сам напісаў сцэнар і анімаваў увесь фільм. Мой мастацкі стыль натхнёны візантыйскай рэлігійнай іканаграфіяй.


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