Sapelo Island: A Glimpse of Geechee

Описание к видео Sapelo Island: A Glimpse of Geechee

Sapelo Island: A Glimpse of Geechee is an ethnographic film that provides a surface level depiction of the intersection of food and land sovereignty within the Geechee community on Georgia's Sapelo Island. The Geechee (and Gullah) heritage is one filled with a plethora of traditions and customs that may be traced to their West African roots. This film was the culmination of two years of community engagement where our initiative was focused on supporting the Hog Hammock Community in their fight for cultural preservation where our vehicle was agriculture. As the title reveals, this is only a glimpse of the knowledge that lies within the Geechee community on Sapelo Island, so if you are inspired by this I encourage you to go research more.

Special thanks to the Hog Hammock Community, SICARS, and its members who supported our collaborative initiative to ensure this rich culture lives on.

Thank you to Jennifer Thompson, my collaborator on the agricultural component of this journey.

Thank you to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for your encouragement, support, and cooperation throughout this process.

Thank you to my academic advisors Dr. Mark Sample, Dr. Garry Bertholf, and the many other advisors along the road that guided me to see the depth and the beauty in the work that we did.

-Victor-Alan Weeks


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