SLICE CURE SECRETS REVEALED by 2-Time Open Champion Johnny Miller 👀

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SLICE CURE SECRETS REVEALED by 2-Time Open Champion Johnny Miller 👀
most golfers slice the ball you just need to know for just the way the good Lord put you together and the way your muscles line up when you get it up here you're in such a position that all these muscles here your tricep your deltoid uh your latissimus dors side here your trapezius all these muscles the the stretch on them the way way it happens when you get up here is they want to fire and what happens is when you fire those it's human nature to want to hit the ball hard it's just we're almost designed to slice. you need to learn to square the club face up and you need to learn to discover the left side of the range and that's the name of this little tip is learning to hit on the left side of the range what I'm going to talk about now really has a lot to do with impact and uh how the positions that your hand and elbows are in at impact to be able to square up that face and even turn the club over and draw the ball if you just can't do it the normal way so slow motionwise Watch What Happens it impact here if you're coming right down here this is a NE neutral position right here if you keep pulling and nothing happens do you see what you end up with so somewhere in here somewhere in here on a normal neutral grip and I haven't Al altered the club face because some people are dead shut at the top like Lee Triveno when he was younger he would start here just so you know it and at the top watch this he would take the club back here and that's where he is and you see where the club face is if he doesn't change action just focus in the hand you get right here to hip P elbows on the side and when you draw it you come right down here watch watch this area right here you get right in here there's just a little that it it's like that that's the Hogan move he didn't really want to talk about. that's where the pros get all that power you don't see is because the average amateur gets up here and he comes down here and he goes like this there's no crossover power where a lot of Pros like a Tiger Woods will get down here real deeper Hogan Ben Hogan real here then in just one little flash they go and they get all that crossover power that's where a lot of the power comes by taking that thumb getting it back to square at impact or if you draw it making the thumb actually get ahead of the ball at impact and that's a draw and then you hit that way okay another way of thinking about it is when you come in here is try to Palm up with a left hand instead of instead of palming this way which makes the ball go over that way is if you come in here and palm up here here early real early Palm this way the ball's going to draw you're going to hook the ball another way to look at it is what most people do is I pretend there's an arrow going right through my wrist there's a hole in your wrist here points pretty much at the ball okay point right at the ball what most people do is the arrow now of course is pointing right here somewhere when you get in here you got to get that Arrow Head now to go back to the ball or even lead and so what you want to do is lead with this part of your wrist and have this part behind what most of you do is you're leading big time with this part hang back which helps square up the club face or right at the last minute you just flip the club like that and of course like I said you're going to hit up on the ball or hit behind it or something from there and that's not a good way so watch this I'm going to try to hit a few of these I'm going to make that arrow point right at the ball thumb Point At The Ball come down here I'm waiting and then I'm going to I'm going to hit the left side of the range by almost leading that way and overdo it at first Palm it down too much first and watch what you do I'll just what I'll do is I'll get right in here watch this right here here turn it over you see and now you see that ball hooking right at the pin right there just right right at the right on the money uh I can overdo it by and hit it more that way same motion my elbow's in tight here in tight here and then I'm here more and I I can just turn it over more and of course it helps if you the clubs lean leaning this way of course the ball's going to hook more than normal if you really cross it over you'll end up with a club way over here it looks sort of bad but it does keep the ball going left and those are all little drills that you can do to make the ball hook and I I tell people in clinics I get everybody there hundreds of people sometimes and I guarantee there isn't one person there I can't within one minute make him draw the ball or hook the ball and not a pull hook pull hooks don't count start the ball where you're aiming just by either covering it up there like this or get that thought or sometimes I'll grab the wrist and turn it like that.


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