FULL Ver. +字幕 cc | «仙逆» - 掌緣生滅 | 顛覆這命運 逆行在仙境 為妳喚散天邊匯聚的驟雨 | Renegade Immortal | ED OST | 楊丁子 | EP24

Описание к видео FULL Ver. +字幕 cc | «仙逆» - 掌緣生滅 | 顛覆這命運 逆行在仙境 為妳喚散天邊匯聚的驟雨 | Renegade Immortal | ED OST | 楊丁子 | EP24

FULL Ver. 超燃! 最新ED «神臨» 上傳更新啦❤
   • FULL Ver. + 字幕 cc | «仙逆» - 神臨 | 為守護 心...  





飄落的 斑駁光陰

手中的刻刀 描繪命運

塵封的 傷痕無盡

剎那的芳華 便是曾經

更鳥飛不出那 鋪開
明暗色彩 彌漫
暮色的 黃昏

曇花 飲不盡那 金風雨露
守候的 結晶

劃破這方天地 任雨水勾連

任人生 時光流盡
在世間煉化了 掌緣生滅

踏破這軌跡 逆行在天地
只為破開塵輪 煉化這凡驅

左岸是 明滅在那千年裡
數不盡的歡笑 和回憶

右岸是 燭光下
流淌著 永恆沉默

顛覆這命運 逆行在仙境
為你渙散天邊 匯聚的驟雨

多少離愁 都已化成空
多少生死 已然轉眼逝

我誓言要打破 這命運的棋局

Repeat #

Repeat ##

我誓言要打破 這命運的棋局


📢 « English ver lrc »

Counting down
The falling of time.

The carving knife in my hand, it paints destiny.

Locked up
The dusty scars are endless

A moment in time is a moment in time.

The birds can't fly in that spread.
♪ The colors of light and dark ♪
The twilight of twilight

The translucent flower can't drink up the golden wind and rain.
Crystallization of waiting

I ask the sky who it is
I ask the sky who it is that breaks through the sky and the earth and lets the rain fall on it.

Letting life and time run out.
In the world, I've refined my palm.

I've broken through this track and traveled against the world.
Just to break the wheel of dust and refine the mortal world.

On the left bank, in those thousands of years.
"of endless laughter and memories.

On the right bank, under the candlelight.
"flowing in eternal silence.

"To reverse this destiny, to travel against the grain in the fairyland.
For you, I've scattered the rain that gathers in the sky.

How many sorrows have been turned into nothing?
How many lives and deaths have been lost in the blink of an eye?

I vow to break the game of destiny.

Repeat #

Repeat ##

I vow to break this game of fate.


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