The Three Types of Errors in Excel VBA

Описание к видео The Three Types of Errors in Excel VBA

The Three Types of Errors in Excel VBA

When you are dealing with errors the first things to understand is the 3 different types that you will encounter.

In this video I explain the 3 types and show you examples of them.

I will also explain what expected and unexpected errors are and how we deal with them.

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Related Articles
VBA Error Handling – A Complete Guide (

Useful VBA Shortcut Keys:
Shift + F2: Get the definition of the item under the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + F2: Go to the last cursor position.
Ctrl + Space: AutoComplete Word.
Alt + F11: Switch between Excel and the VBA Editor.
Ctrl + R: View the Project Explorer Window.
Ctrl + Shift + 8(or Ctrl + *): Get the current region on a worksheet.
F4: View the Properties Window.
F5: Run the code from the current sub.
F9(or click left margin): Add a breakpoint to pause the code.
Tab: To move lines of code to the right(Indent)
Shift + Tab: To move lines of code to the left(Outdent).


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