COP29: Peter Castellas on carbon markets and climate finance

Описание к видео COP29: Peter Castellas on carbon markets and climate finance

This COP29 episode is a chat with Peter Castellas, chief executive of Climate Zeitgeist.

Peter founded Climate Zeitgeist to catalyse investment in business solutions that address climate change. Its activities include the annual Climate Investor Forum, which connects investors and climate change solutions providers.

Peter talks about the COP, with a strong focus on progress being made on rules for carbon markets, which are a key instrument that enables climate change cooperation between countries and companies.

These rules are being established under what's known as Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Article 6 comprises two parts. Article 6.2 provides for market-based exchanges of emissions abatement between countries. And article 6.4 provides for a UN-administered carbon market.

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