The Problem with the Terms "Hispanic" and "Latino" -Intro video lecture

Описание к видео The Problem with the Terms "Hispanic" and "Latino" -Intro video lecture

What is a Hispanic? What is a Latino? Why do we use these words given their internal contradictions?
This lecture introduces some basic problems and major inconsistencies with the words "Hispanic" and "Latino." These labels are used today in a manner consistent with colonial understandings about the peoples of the Americas. In Latin America, these terms are rarely used. In the United States, these words do not get much push-back and have broadly been accepted as appropriate categorizations for the peoples of the former Spanish colonies. The comments in this lecture are meant to encourage us to have more critical and informed conversations about identity in the U.S.
This video lecture is merely the first part of a much larger and longer discussion about labels, history, and identities of people of Mexican, Central American, South American, and Caribbean heritage living in the United States. Consider some of the questions posed in the video and please leave your comments for further discussion on this topic.


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