Easy MAGGOT fly tying beast Worm or Larva for Trout and Grayling

Описание к видео Easy MAGGOT fly tying beast Worm or Larva for Trout and Grayling

I'm Tying Easy MAGGOT beast Worm or Larva for Trout and Grayling
An excellent fly that imitates a variety of insects: worms, larva and larvae in the water. Works great from spring, all summer and fall. Sometimes they catch it from the ice in winter.
A good fly for beginning fly tyers.
This fly is clearly visible in the water and the fish will not be able to resist and eat it))

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you can visit my website https://fisherfun.com/

All flies can be ordered and purchased in different sizes.
you can buy it on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/166395836514
or through PayPal

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