Bad Neighbour. Pt 1. I built a screen to block her out.

Описание к видео Bad Neighbour. Pt 1. I built a screen to block her out.

For nearly 12mths she has done nothing but watch me and look at my property from whatever angle she can and in turn, I have blocked her out the best I can, I don't believe I am her first VICTIM or last even.

   • Bad Neighbour Pt 2 #badneighbors  
Pt 3.
   • Bad Neighbour Pt 3. #badneighbors  
Pt 4.
   • Bad Neighbour Pt4. #badneighbors  
Pt 5.
   • Bad Neighbour Pt 5.  
Pt 6.
   • Bad Neighbour Pt 6. #badneighbors  
Pt 7.
   • Bad Neighbour V's Dude Pt 7. #badneig...  

Thank you for all your kind words, praises, and well wishes, I appreciate them greatly.
Now let's answer some questions
Yes to all of the below
Talked to her
Said hi
Asked her over
The shade cloth is stapled down like the first one
Definitely Mental health problems
Positively lonely
Police say it's a civil matter

Other questions
No, I won't be screening the front, the rest of the street and I don't have problems
We have been to Court twice
We have been to Mediation
She has called the Fire Brigade, the Police, and the council 4 times on me
She is on a Promise to the Court, which means nothing, was the outcome of the last court date
I don't know if she has family
Legal height is 1.8 meters high and can be built of any materials you desire
No permit required
Double layer of shade cloth
Her behaviour has been happening since moving into her house 19 years ago
People prior have sold up and left because of this behaviour
I have only lived here for just over 12 months
She has told me if I find her on the ground for whatever reason, then I'm to walk away and not help her. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do that and go out of sight and call 000
She's abused me, I have never abused her, nor raised my voice at her, I have spoken to her sternly with a swear word thrown in, just one mind you, 'Will you mind your own business'
I do not trust this woman one bit, she has lied on court papers, lied about me and my friends, asked other neighbours about me, tormented the previous owner's dog, shoved a dead possum under my fence for my dog, stalked whoever turns up here, to see if they will go inside the house or come out the back to the Moo Cave.
If there was a way for me to have a medical person assess her, I would endeavour to have that done.

If now after reading, this you still think that I'm the bad neighbour or I'm in the wrong, or whatever else was mentioned, then my channel isn't for you is my thinking and I'm truly sorry if you still feel this way.

Thanks again for the continued support of my Channel and Welcome to the New Subscribers
Cheers Moo


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