week in my life | thanksgiving, cozy meals & ipsy bag haul

Описание к видео week in my life | thanksgiving, cozy meals & ipsy bag haul

follow me for a few days of enjoying thanksgiving with family, running errands with my husband and trying new home cooked meals! i hope you enjoy it :)

✿ follow me here ✿
instagram: @halletamera

✿ music ✿
intro music:
massobeats - lotus

montage music:
massobeats - lush
moonboy - popcorn

outro music:
Hicks - First Floor

✿ about me ✿
Hi! I'm Halle and I'm a St. Louis native living in L.A. My videos are focused on my life in my 20s and my everyday fashion. I hope you enjoy it!

disclaimer: this video is not sponsored!

#ikea #weekinmylife #weeklyvlog #vlog #lifestyle #dailyvlog #ambw #lifestylevlog #thanksgiving #cooking #runningerrands #adulting #ootd #ootw #fashion #ipsy #makeup #skincare #haul #fallfashion


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