Annihiliator VS Goliath in normal Difficulty!! | Cyberika: Action Cyberpunk RPG Gameplay

Описание к видео Annihiliator VS Goliath in normal Difficulty!! | Cyberika: Action Cyberpunk RPG Gameplay

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   / @madghost21  

annihiliator vs goliath in hard mode:
   • Annihiliator VS Goliath in Hard Diffi...  
annihiliator vs goliath in impossible mode:
   • Annihiliator VS Goliath in Impossible...  

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second channel for tech🟥:    / @mg21tech  

-follow me on twitch🟪:   / madghost21dz  

for contact:
discord: MadGhost21

-cyberika is an action-adventure MMORPG with a deep storyline set in a cyberpunk universe. Are you ready to explore a city in the near future called Bradbury Complex?

cyberika links :
Download link on Google Play:
or App Store:
-cyberika official server in discord :
  / discord  

-some guides that will surely help you:
cyberslums guide:
   • Full Guide About Cyberslums District ...  
skiptown guide:
   • Full Guide About Skiptown District Cy...  
trouble guide:
   • Full Guide About Trouble District Cyb...  
-how to clear the hood:
   • How To Clear The Hood in Skiptown | C...  
-how to clear skid row:
   • How To Clear Skidrow Trouble in Cyber...  
-how to clear viceplace:
   • Viceplace Clearing Tutorial "Skiptown...  
-the trader guide:
   • All What u Need To Know About The Tra...  
how to protect ur account in cyberika:
   • How To Protect Your Account in cyberi...  

/other guides that might help:
-how to clear outskirts and backstreets guide:
   • Best Ways To Clear Outskirts For Begi...  
   • How To Clear Backstreets !! | Cyberik...  
-apartment Stations guide:
   • Full Guide About The Stations in the ...  
augmentations guide:
   / s4nebizcdsthe  
regulators guide:
   • Full Guide About Regulators And How t...  

if u need some guides check out "Cyberika beginners guide" playlist:
   • Cyberika Beginners Guide  

0:00 intro + rules
1:29 goliath
2:25 loot
3:20 outro

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