স্টেভিয়া থেকে তৈরী বিকল্প চিনি কি কি ক্ষতি করে

Описание к видео স্টেভিয়া থেকে তৈরী বিকল্প চিনি কি কি ক্ষতি করে

Side Effects of Stevia Sugar ‪@sanjoyfitcoach_‬

Stevia rebaudiana is plant species in the genus stevia of the family asteracae . It is commonly known as candy leaf , sweet leaf or sugar leaf .

This plant is Sugar Alternative , plant based sugar ,
Calorie free , fat free , cholesterol free, zero calorie and zero Glycemic Index .

This plant present in America , Europe , Brajil and Japan .
200 to 400 times more sweetener than Sugar .

✅ Possible downsides :-

(01) Direct (raw) and croud form of Stevia is harmful for your gut bacteria .
(02) Intense sweeteners may increase cravings for sweet foods .
(03) Don't allow Pregnant and Lactating Mothers .
(04) Stevia sugar is not eating those who are suffering from Stevia Alergy .
(05) Large quantities of Stevia Sugar make indigestion .
(06) Renal disease and urinary system disease are stevia rebaudiana restricted .

✅ বিস্তারিত জানতে যোগাযোগ করুন 👇
👉 WhatsApp ☎️ +91 9932946389

✅ বিকল্প চিনি/ মিষ্টি হল স্টেভিয়া 👇
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