Superbooth 2019 (Video Tour) - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

Описание к видео Superbooth 2019 (Video Tour) - Warren Huart: Produce Like A Pro

➡️➡️Learn more about Superbooth 2019:
While we were in Berlin for our Masterclass we also had a chance to check out Superbooth 2019!

If you don’t already know what Superbooth is, it’s an annual electronic music instrument/music festival which brings together an extensive number of vendors and artists who demonstrate their latest products, perform live or just come for the shows Electronica-related events.

This year we had the opportunity to speak with a variety of manufacturers who are all bringing their own unique wares to the industry.

➡️➡️Bastl is about bringing people together and accomplishing cool things as a community. Their main focus is on development and production of electronic musical instruments.they truly believes in the power of people they do all sorts of community projects, such as organizing music-related events, coffee roasting, record label, educational content, workshops they even have a clothing production. Bastl is based in Brno, Czech Republic. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Bitwig strives to inspire artists to take greater control of their music, giving them access to every aspect of their production. Streamlining their creative process and quickly evolve ideas into complete songs, tracks, and compositions. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Eventide has more than 40 years in the business of delivering relevant audio broadcasting and recording products that artists are excited to record with. Eventide started in a New York basement in 1971 and since then has become a standard in studios worldwide. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Roli started with the Seaboard. A soft, rippling surface of pressure-sensitive silicone. It was the newest thing to happen in the keyboard world since about the year 1700. Every year their technology becomes more accessible. Smaller, more approachable, and they’re getting closer to their long-term goal: empowering everyone to make music.Check them out here:

➡️➡️Euterpe Synthesizers Laboratories (E.S.L.) don’t believe in producing a product that any other company could produce just to make a profit. E.S.L. Isn’t a company that will spread programmed to-die metal chassis worldwide. Their passion is to leave a mark in music history, even if it’s a small one. – This is why Euterpe exists right now. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Audios sounds influenced the pop and film music of the 1980s. Even today, the Barth AUDIOS can be found in current music productions and continues to gain in popularity, especially as it can now be retrofitted by his inventor Klaus Fischer with numerous interfaces to the modular world. Check them out here:

➡️➡️PreSonus is a fast-growing company, and in addition to developing new and exciting product lines is there to give you the best possible experience after you buy their products. PreSonus exists to create, sell, and support fine audio products but They want to make their city and the world a better place, too. Their green initiative reflects their respect for the environment, emphasizing clean, green, sustainable manufacturing and operations. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Nektar Technology, Inc was founded in 2009, they have been passionate about their mission to bridge the gap between powerful music software and controller hardware. With software continuously evolving, a plethora of instruments and effects have become available. Check them out here:

➡️➡️IK Multimedia was started in 1996 by two Italian engineers who emulated electronic circuits using DSP algorithms. Their driving philosophy behind all of their products is: give musicians the tools they want/need to be creative and productive. Check them out here:

➡️➡️Tegeler builds devices that they actually want to take into the studio and use. They don’t have product managers or marketing experts telling them which controls will result in the greatest return on investment. Every control Tegeler includes is there because it plays a specific role in everyday production. Check them out here:

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