Shrimp Food: My 10 Personal Picks For Happy & Healthy Shrimp

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In this video, we're diving into the world of essential shrimp food! Shrimp are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role as detritivores, which are a type of omnivore known for their "eat almost anything" attitude. They chow down on things like algae, decaying plants, leftover food, and more. But relying solely on scavenging isn't the best for their health. To keep them thriving, it's important to give them a diverse diet.

As a shrimp enthusiast myself, I'll walk you through the various foods I feed my shrimp throughout the week. I've tested these foods over time and I'm sharing my insights with you. Keep in mind, there are other brands out there, so use what works for you.

Here's what's on the menu:

1. BacterAE by GlasGarten: This micro powder is like a nutritional boost for your tank. It adds microorganisms, amino acids, and enzymes, enhancing water quality and promoting biofilm growth - a shrimp favourite. I sprinkle a bit in my tanks a couple of times a week.

2. Shrimp Baby by GlasGarten: A powdered food designed for shrimplets. Packed with protein, vitamins, and Omega 3 fatty acids, it's perfect for the energy they need for molting. This food forms a layer on tank surfaces, ensuring shrimplets get their meal.

3. Mineral Junkie by GlasGarten: Soft pellet food loaded with essential minerals. It supports molting, shell formation, and slow growth for snails and other invertebrates. Just one or two pellets a week is enough.

4. Shrimp Dinner by GlasGarten: A well-balanced pellet packed with nutrients for healthy development, vibrant colors, and successful molting. This is a mainstay in my shrimp diet rotation.

I also share some tips on feeding other foods like powdered fish flakes, frozen brine shrimp, and Hikari Algae Wafers. Plus, I have a surprising bonus food but you'll have to watch the video to find out what it is! It's a superfood rich in carbs, minerals, and protein. A treat your shrimp, snails, and herbivorous fish will adore.

Remember, moderation is key. Overfeeding can lead to water pollution. Observe your shrimp's health and behaviour to ensure they're thriving. And don't forget, researching your shrimp species is crucial for their wellbeing.

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0:00 Intro
1:03 BacterAE by GlasGarten
1:26 Shrimp Baby by GlasGarten
2:07 Mineral Junkie by GlasGarten
2:30 Shrimp Dinner by GlasGarten
3:18 Powdered Fish Flakes and Frozen Foods
3:38 Hikari Algae Wafers
3:50 Nano Banquet Food Blocks By Zoo Med
3:59 Blanched Vegetables
4:07 Bonus Food
4:30 Advice on Feeding Shrimp
5:13 Outro

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