Does Halloween 2 Stand The Test of Time?

Описание к видео Does Halloween 2 Stand The Test of Time?

When you are talking about the big slasher franchises of all time, the original 4, the Mount Rush-Gore, it's a losing argument to try and say any of the first films don't hold up. You CAN look at their many, MANY sequels and see what sticks and what doesn't. Or you know, in our case, what stands the test of time and what doesn't. Some of these are just schlocky fun and don't need a critical reappraisal, but a couple of them that have higher reputations that may or may not still need to be on a pedestal. Today it's time for Halloween II, the OG, Rick Rosenthal's 1981 Halloween II.


Written By: Andrew Hatfield
Narrated By: Niki Minter
Edited By: Mike Conway
Produced by: Lance Vlcek and John Fallon
Executive Produced by: Berge Garabedian

SERIES SYNOPSIS: Test Of Time is a series that takes a look back at some of the classics of our beloved genre and finds out whether or not they, you guessed it, stand the Test Of Time!

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