Fernando Meirelles

Описание к видео Fernando Meirelles

Hi producers and directors! I would like to invite you all to enter the Action4Climate competition. A competition for 1 to 12 minute films about climate change.

As we know, climate change is the biggest challenge humankind will face in the next century and what has to be done to mitigate the effects of climate change must start with us, from bottom to top.

To slow down the rhythm of development and growth is against the interests of governments and companies, so it's up to us to take the lead and make these changes happen.

This competition points exactly in that direction.

I invite you to participate.

I am part of the jury, other colleagues, amazing directors, are part of the jury, and we want to see your work.

Enter now!


To enter: http://www.action4climate.org/

More information: http://www.connect4climate.org/compet...


Информация по комментариям в разработке