How A Kid Became The Father Of Obbying

Описание к видео How A Kid Became The Father Of Obbying

Obbying as a whole is quite a large community consisting of hundreds if not thousands of unique and weird obbies, Back in 2016-2017 KToH was created, what's now
known as JToH or Juke's Towers Of Hell, it was quite revelutionary for obbying at the time, for some reason no one really tried to master or make difficult obbies
in general, Now that the competitive atmosphere has grown throughout different communities such as Speedrunning communites, harder obbies started to get made.

Back in around 2017 an obbyist called Regionality started making slightly different difficult obbies when comparing to towers, Regionality made obbies such as The
Impossible that was quite unique for the time the obby wasn't set in a box like towers, it was more like ravine decorated and with difficult jumps inside of it, later
Regionality created a group called Obby Legion 1 which included more obbies simialar to this like The Final Test, these obbies gained slight recigniton as
Tiered Obbies but never really exploded in the obbying community, it was only until a kid from bulgaria decided to start playing obbies which would explode difficult obbying to an incredibly large scale.

How a kid became the father of obbying

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