T2 Torch Consumable Setup Guide

Описание к видео T2 Torch Consumable Setup Guide

Our new starter and SUPER series kits come with every single part you need to get your torch working. But there are a lot of different consumables that make up a TIG torch, and our T2 TIG torches are new different. That's why we've put together a full guide on how to set up your TIG torch, whether you've got a ceramic or quartz or SUPER cup.

T2 TIG Torch Consumable Starter Kit: https://unimig.com.au/product/t2-tig-...
T2 TIG Torch SUPER Series Kit: https://unimig.com.au/product/t2-tig-...

⏰ Timecodes ⏰
0:00 – Intro
0:25 – Setup for Ceramic Cups
1:05 – Setup for Quartz Cups
1:54 – Setup for the Super Series Gas Range
3:04 – Outro

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