How To Practically Do Electrical Piping (For Beginners)

Описание к видео How To Practically Do Electrical Piping (For Beginners)

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An Electrician must understand Electrical Wiring basics such as the Wire Size, Earthing, Electricity Circuits especially for House Wiring, How To Check Earthing, How a Switch Works, from the Electricity Meter all the way to the Consumer Unit. He must understand the difference between Ground and Earthing.

Piping installation is a very important procedure in any electrical wiring installation. It provides protection to the electrical cables as well as protect humans, animals and pets from electrical hazards occasioned by electric shocks.

A well done pipe or conduit network will at all times be a safety precaution that also works to ensure that appliances such as an instant shower head, an electric cooker, a refrigerator, a microwave and all kitchen appliances are safe to use.
Earthing system should be done perfectly and when using the metallic pipes, they also must be earthed properly.

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