Kas Eesti julgeolek on kindel? | Merle Maigre | TEDxTallinn

Описание к видео Kas Eesti julgeolek on kindel? | Merle Maigre | TEDxTallinn

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Merle Maigre on kaitse- ja välispoliitika ekspert, Vabariigi Presidendi julgeolekunõunik, kes on tegelenud NATO koostöö ning Ukraina kaitse-ja julgeolekupoliitika küsimustega.

Merle on õppinud Tartu Ülikoolis ajalugu ja USA-s Middlebury kolledžis rahvusvahelisi suhteid, täiendanud end Prantsusmaal ja Itaalias ning kaitsnud Londoni King’s College’is magistrikraadi sõjateaduste alal.

Ta on töötanud välisministeeriumis ja kaitseministeeriumi NATO büroos ajal, mil Eesti valmistus NATO-ga liitumiseks ja Kiievis NATO Ukraina esinduse asejuhina, koordineerides Ukraina julgeolekusektori reformi. Ka Rahvusvahelises Kaitseuuringute Keskuse teadurina keskendus Merle eelkõige Ukraina kaitse- ja julgeolekupoliitikale. Enne riigipea julgeolekunõunikuks asumist töötas Merle NATO peasekretäri poliitikaplaneerimise üksuses Brüsselis.

Seega pole imestada, et Merle on pälvinud maineka Marshalli fondi Asmuse stipendiumi, mida jagatakse silmapaistvatele noortele välispoliitikaekspertidele. Tema välis- ja julgeolekupoliitika teemalisi analüüse saab laiem avalikkus lugeda Diplomaatia veergudelt.

Merle Maigre is an expert on defence and foreign affairs and the Estonian President’s adviser on security issues. She has been involved with the cooperation with NATO and the defence and security issues of the Ukrainian government.

Merle studied history at the University of Tartu and international relations at Middlebury College (in Vermont, USA). She continued her studies in France and Italy, and in 2005 defended her Master’s thesis in war studies at King’s College London.

Merle worked in the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the NATO Department of the Estonian Ministry of Defence when Estonia was preparing to join NATO. From 2005–2007, she was as the deputy head of the NATO Liaison Office in Kyiv as the representative of NATO in Ukraine, coordinating the Ukrainian defence reform. While working as a researcher at the International Centre for Defence Studies, Merle mainly focused on Ukraine’s defence and security policies. Before taking on the role of security policy adviser to the President of Estonia, Merle worked as a policy adviser at the Policy Planning Unit in the Private Office of the Secretary General of NATO on behalf of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Taking all of this into account, it’s not surprising that Merle has received a scholarship from the reputable Marshall Fund which is given out to the most remarkable young experts in foreign affairs. The general public can read her analyses on foreign affairs and security policy in the pages of Diplomaatia.

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