Wilderness Navigation Skills- Orientating a Map with a Compass

Описание к видео Wilderness Navigation Skills- Orientating a Map with a Compass

Two ways of orientating a map with a compass. First set your compass to magnetic north (adjust for local declination), then align the edge of the compass with any north-south line on the map, or the edge of the map. Then rotate the map and compass together until the magnetic needle falls into the orienteering arrow (put Red in the Shed). The second option is to set 0 (North) at the index line and align the edge of the compass with the Magnetic North line of the Declination Diagram, then rotate the whole map and compass until the orienteering arrow falls into the orienteering arrow (put Red in the Shed).

Details on the next online live Wilderness Navigation Course here: https://northeastalpinestart.com/2020...


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