Following the examination of the main metaphysical problems with which Gundissalinus dealt in his cosmological works (see AAIWG/RS-2), the third lecture of the research seminar is dedicated to the analysis of Gundissalinus’s discussion of psychology. The lecture exposes the main features presented by Gundissalinus in his De anima, and the peculiarities on the use of his Arabic and Latin sources, regarding the four main themes discussed in Gundissalinus’s writing: the existence of the soul, its ontological composition, its origin and immortality, and the psychological faculties.
The lecture is the second part of the research seminar "The Penetration of Arabic Philosophy into the Latin Philosophical Tradition (1162-1215)" organised by the "Aquinas and the Arabs" International Working Group.
Thematic articulation of the lecture:
• The Existence of the Soul
• The Composition of the Soul
• Origin and Destiny of the Soul
• Psychological Faculties
• Final Remarks
Selected Bibliography:
Primary Sources
Avicenna, Liber de anima seu sextus de naturalibus, ed. S. Van Riet, Louvain - Leiden 1968/72.
Solomon ibn Gabirol, Fons vitae, ed. C. Baeumker, Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters I/2-4 (1892-1895).
Gundissalinus, De anima, ed. J. T. Muckle, ‘The Treatise De anima of Dominicus Gundissalinus’, Mediaeval Studies 2 (1940): 23-103.
Gundissalinus, De anima, ed. C. Alonso del Real and M. J. Soto Bruna, El Tractatvs de anima atribuido a Dominicvs Gvundi[s]salinvs, Pamplona 2009.
Qusta ibn Luqa, De differentia spiritus et animae, ed. C.S. Barach, Biblioteca Philosophorum Mediae Aetatis vol. II, Innsbruck 1878, pp. 120-139.
Secondary Sources
M. Alonso Alonso, ‘Gundisalvo y el Tractatus de Anima’, Pensamiento 4 (1948): 71-77.
D.A. Callus, ‘Gundissalinus’ De Anima and the Problem of Substantial Form’, The New Scholasticism 13/4 (1939): 338-355.
R. De Vaux, Notes et textes sur l’avicennisme latin aux confins des XII-XIII siècles, Paris 1934.
D. N. Hasse, Avicenna’s De Anima in the Latin West, London 2000.
A. Fidora, ‘On the Supposed ‘Augustinisme Avicennisant’ of Dominicus Gundissalinus’, Veritas 47/3 (2002): 387-394.
——, ‘Arabic into Latin into Hebrew: Aristotelian Psychology and its Contribution to the Rationalisation of Theological Traditions’, in L. X. López-Farjeat - J. A. Tellkamp (eds.), Philosophical Psychology in Medieval Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism, Paris 2013, pp. 17-39.
É. Gilson, ‘Pourquoi saint-Thomas a critiqué saint-Augustin’, Archives d’Histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge 1 (1926-7): 3-27.
——, ‘Les sources gréco-arabes de l’augustinisme avicennisant’, Archives d’Histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge 1 (1926-7): 89-149.
——, ‘Avicenne en Occident au Moyen Âge’, Archives d’Histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Âge 44 (1969): 89-121.
M.J. Soto Bruna, ‘La ‘lux intelligentiae agentis’ en el pensamiento de Domingo Gundisalvo’, Revista Española de Filosofía medieval (2003): 335-344.
——, Metafísica y antropología en el siglo XII, Pamplona 2005.
J. Teicher, ‘Gundissalino e l’agostinismo avicennizzante’, Rivista di filosofia neo-scolastica 26 (1934): 252-258.
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