Using Micro-Sized Finesse Baits for Smallmouth Bass

Описание к видео Using Micro-Sized Finesse Baits for Smallmouth Bass

On pressured fish, sometimes it takes a tiny bait to catch big. In this video, Anthony explains the benefits of the snack-sized Z-Man Micro Finesse Baits when targeting smallmouth bass, after a recent trip with Massachusetts tournament bass angler, Kyle Geggatt.

Baits reviewed include the Micro TRD, Tiny TicklerZ, LarvaZ, Shad FryZ, and StingerZ, all 1.75" lures made from Z-Man's Elaztech material.

For more information on these ‪@ZManFishingProducts‬ baits, check out:

0:00 Catching Smallmouth Bass with Kyle Geggatt
4:26 What is a Micro Finesse Jig?
4:52 Micro TRD
4:59 Tiny TicklerZ
5:17 StingerZ
6:17 Shad FryZ
6:41 LarvaZ
7:14 Benefits of Z-Man ElaZtech Material

#zman #bass #finessefishing


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