Cinematic Beastgrip 1.55X Anamorphic Lens | Houston, you got a problem | 비스트그립 프로 1.55X 아나모픽 렌즈

Описание к видео Cinematic Beastgrip 1.55X Anamorphic Lens | Houston, you got a problem | 비스트그립 프로 1.55X 아나모픽 렌즈

Aloha! Howzit GrassHopper? grüß Gott und 안녕하세요.

Beastgrip Pro 1.55X Anamorphic Lens Adapter Cinematic videos with Samsung Galaxy Note 3. yes, Houston, you got a problem | 비스트그립 프로 아나모픽 렌즈

intro | 소개 00:09
unboxing | 언박싱 01:15
attaching | 부착 02:20
test drive | 시승 03:17
Houston, you got a problem | 휴스턴, 문제가 생겼어요 03:21
blue color hazing | 블루 컬러 헤징 03:26
bigger idiot than me | 더 큰 바보 04:10
16:9 to 2.755:1 conversion | 16:9에서 2.755:1로 04:59
summary | 후기 06:00

i've purchased a Beastgrip Pro 1.55X anamorphic lens adapter for my Note 3.
i've also purchased a used note 3 from Scott. also this one has the short lens clip.

i bought the pro series because it has the 37mm thread.
this adapter has the built in 58mm filter mount which Moondog Labs, Moment, Ulanzi, Sandmarc and others needs to learn from the Beastgrip.
not so fast GoPro, DJI...
so that i don't have to buy the accessories to mount the filters.

Beastgrip Pro 1.55X Anamorphic Lens Adapter $175.00
iOgraphers 37mm thread long lens clip $4.99

Houston, you got a problem.

Beastie exhibits a lot of the lens flare.
blue color hazing in the dark areas of the video; however, i haven't noticed any blue chromatic aberrations around the objects exhibited by the Ulanzi, Sandmarc, USKeyvision and the no name brand 1.55X anamorphic lens adapter video examples on Youtube; moreover, Beastie exhibits greenish tint more than the Moondog.

i'd like to thank you for visiting, subscribing, watching and sharing my videos on my channel.

as always for poops and giggles only ^^

enjoy, Mahalo
ty ^^ :^)
willie 윌리 李

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