2017 Paul B. Stephens Walk 'n Roll-A-Thon

Описание к видео 2017 Paul B. Stephens Walk 'n Roll-A-Thon

Livy's school, Paul B Stephens will be having their annual Walk 'n Roll-A-Thon at the end of February. The students will be supporting this fun event and helping to raise money for the school's PTA. The money raised helps to fund family social events, the school prom, classroom supplies and other PTA projects. To reward students for doing a good job during the Walk 'n Roll-A-Thon, Livy's Hope and Fran Haasch Law Group are working together to provide the PTA with additional funding. Our Livy's Hope goal is $500 which the Fran Haasch Law Group has generously offered to match! Any money left over after the students are rewarded will go toward other PTA sponsored events. Please go to https://www.youcaring.com/paulbstephe... to donate.


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