Transformación Digital. De Mortadelo a Instagram | Carlos Marina | TEDxUNebrija

Описание к видео Transformación Digital. De Mortadelo a Instagram | Carlos Marina | TEDxUNebrija

Tecnología e impacto digital, pero con un sentido humano. Carlos Marina resalta que nadie puede quedarse atrás en esta continua transformación. La tecnología es ahora parte de nuestras vidas, desde que nos despertamos miramos el móvil, hacemos uso de las redes sociales, queremos ensanchar nuestro mundo tal y como un joven lo hacia antes publicando en la sección de correspondencia en la popular revista española "Mortadelo". Carlos is CEO of Telefónica On The Spot Services. Throughout his professional career, Carlos Marina has held various responsibilities in marketing areas of important companies in the new technology sector, such as Wanadoo (France Telecom Group) or Etimo Del Corte Inglés. In 2000 he joined the Telefónica group, and became Director of Marketing and Sales at onthespot.

As Onthespot's new CEO, Carlos Marina takes on the important challenge of consolidating the company's leadership in digitizing spaces, enhancing the customer experience at the point of sale and facilitating the relationship between brands and customers by offering innovative end-to-end solutions. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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