Proteus Colony Morphology ( Clear Explain )

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Video Script :-

Colony Morphology Of Proteus Spp

Proteus species most commonly found in human intestinal tract as part of normal flora.
The species of medical significance are Proteus mirabilis and Proteus vulgaris.
Proteus mirabilis causes , 90% of all Proteus infections in humans.
So in this video we are going to study , Colony morphologies off proteus Species …

Proteus grows well on a variety of routine media such as MacConkey agar and blood agar ,
 Colonies of P. mirabilis swarm on nonselective agar media Such as Blood agar, And producing a surface film .

Also On MacConkey agar plates , proteus produce non lactose fermenting clear , Circular , Smooth colonies in 24 hours.
With Characteristic oder describe as fishy .

But Proteus colonies , may be confused with those of Salmonella on selective media,
Proteus can be rapidly identified in the laboratory, Characteristic Swarming appearance over blood agar plate.
Actually this appearance just like , ripples on a pond after a stone has been thrown in .

Because of Swarming is described as formation of concentric zones of bacteria growth ,
Hope this video helpful to you , for get idea about proteus colony morphologies …



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