How Does Poppy Create Her Poppin' Music? | The Vi Life VIP Access | Episode 3

Описание к видео How Does Poppy Create Her Poppin' Music? | The Vi Life VIP Access | Episode 3

On today's episode of The Vi Life, Violet has a SPECIAL GUEST: Poppy Rowan! She's giving us an inside scoop on her favorite music & inspirations! Wanna sing along to Poppy's rap she freestyled in Runway class? Violet's got you covered with a BONUS lyric video! 🌈🎶

Take one step into Rainbow High, and you know it’s like no other high school. There’s a driving pace, like a bass line thrumming through the walls. The buildings vibrate with magical realism: colors glow brighter, fabrics swish & dance! You can’t tell if it’s real or just your brain overwhelmed by the creative energy swirling all around you. If you’re an artist & you have something to say – you NEED to go to Rainbow High. Its graduates go on to become premier fashion designers, visual-effects artists, musicians & editors! If our girls can make it through four, high-pressure years, they can make it through anything! Do YOU have what it takes to make it through Rainbow High? Because if you get cut, there are no second chances.

Make sure to tune in at 8:30 am PST on Friday for new episodes of Rainbow High, The Vi Life, and Kontent with Karma!
Check out our latest videos:    • What Happened on the First Day at Rai...  

Watch more Rainbow High here!
Rainbow High Series:
Kontent with Karma:
The Vi Life:

#TheViLife #RainbowHigh #CollectTheRainbow #RainbowHighDolls

Rainbow High is a modern fashion brand that sparks imagination and encourages creativity. With Grit, Love, Action, and Moxie (G.L.A.M.), the students of Rainbow High combine their unique creative skills and work together to achieve their unlimited dreams today. Visit us at

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