WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase - Showcase #1

Описание к видео WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase - Showcase #1

Hello, people! It's time to introduce another game: WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase. WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase is WiiWare, which links up with WarioWare D.I.Y. for the DS. Here, I'll, well, showcase a bunch of microgames. Each time I receive 18 Microgames, either from the NinSoft Store (each week, a free pair of microgames appears there), Big Name Games (microgames made by specific people), friends, or my own head. By the way, if you want to send something to me, here is my Friend Code.

0603 9009 8872

There are 50 slots and I've used 1 so far. I think I will keep accepting these until I reach 45, the last five of which I will reserve for special purposes. It's always handy to keep some empty slots. Send me microgames of yours! If I like them, I'll put them up in future showcases. And if you want any I've made, drop me a line.

Each of these videos I'll put up will contain 18 microgames, which is the amount each shelf can hold. The ones featured here are, in order of appearance:

1. "Bolting Off" (from myself)
2. "Suck Goo!" (from Ron Carmel, creator of World of Goo and Henry Hatsworth)
3. "1-UP" (from the NinSoft Store)
4. "Fright Light" (from the NInSoft Store)
5. "Shantae NAB!" (from Matt Bozon, creator of Shantae and A Boy and His Blob)
6. "Line Slash" (from Masahiro Sakurai, creator of Kirby and Smash Bros.)
7. "Finger Flex" (from the NinSoft Store)
8. "Dragon Duel" (from the NinSoft Store)
9. "Shaddup!" (from a Friend)
10. "Snow Fall" (from the NinSoft Store)
11. "Metroid" (from Yoshio Sakamoto, series director of Metroid)
12. "Matching Man" (from the NinSoft Store)
13. "Sky-Scrape" (from the NinSoft Store)
14. "Ikachan" (from Daisuke Amaya, creator of Cave Story)
15. "Zoom In" (from myself)
16. "Fire Bad!" (from Alex Neuse, founder of Gaijin Games)
17. "Color-Full" (from the NinSoft Store)
18. "Thrustbuster" (from myself)

I should note that this is MATT Bozon we're talking about, and not Mark Bozon, a writer for IGN. I don't know if they're related. "Zoom In" also happens to be my submission for the WarioWare D.I.Y. Challenge #2, whose theme right now is Sports.


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