WWE SmackDown PIPER NIVEN vs LEGEND AJA KONG EVE Women's Wrestling
FREE MATCH! AJA KONG [Legend] v "VIPER" PIPER NIVEN [NXT UK] - EVE Women's Wrestling
It's an International Dream Match. A women's heavyweight style clash for the ages. A match that fans around the world thought could NEVER happen due to "wrestling politics".
It's the legend AJA KONG vs future legend VIPER aka DOUDROP / Piper Niven of WWE RAW.
This match was Aja Kong's European wrestling debut. It is a match that has never happened before. And it is a match that quite possibly will NEVER happen again.
👑 Taken from WRESTLEQUEENDOM - watch it now at • WrestleQueendom! WAR GAMES - KAY LEE ...
📆 Join us every Wednesday 90 minutes prior to #AEWDynamite and #NXT as EVE - Riot Grrrls of Wrestling presents "Women's Wrestling Wednesday" stream of matches with NO ARCHIVE!
Plus every Thursday night EVE releases a free match here on YouTube!
🎴 FREE EVE MATCH PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Featuring WAR GAMES STEEL CAGE, Su Yung vs Martina, Jordynne Grace vs Laura Di Matteo and more!
EVE's roster has and continues to feature future legends and some of the best in women's wrestling to ever lace up boots including Manami Toyota, Viper Piper Niven, Jordynne Grace, Britt Baker, Jamie Hayter, Meiko Satomura, Viper Piper Niven, Nina Samuels, Su Yung, Rhia O'Reilly, Jazz, RIHO, Mercedes Martinez, Kasey, Leah Owens, Sammii Jayne, Medusa Complex, "Session Moth" Martina (pictured in thumbnail), DASH Chisako, Charlie Morgan, Jetta, Erin Angel, Command Bolshoi, Leon, Hikaru Shida and many others from the top tier in women's pro wrestling!
From the best pro wrestling to the wildest brawls, EVE is the the show that fans and critics alike have referred to as "A women's ECW!"
"[EVE is] re-imagining the classically hyper-masculine environment of ‘professional’ wrestling" - New York Times
🐦➡ Follow EVE on Instagram and Twitter @ProWrestlingEVE
Facebook at Facebook.com/EVEwrestling
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"EVE women's wrestling is more than just entertainment: It is a movement." - Buzzfeed
"The passion - of the women and the fans - is just immense...and inspiring. I'm sure I'll get flack for promoting a promotion whose logo depicts the United States President being pile-driven. But I remember working for a promotion in the mid-1990s, with a similar passion among its fans and wrestlers. That company's motto was "politically incorrect - and damn proud of it!"
ECW! ECW!" - WWE Hall Of Fame Superstar Mick Foley
"By the end of the night, I’ve seen bald heads kissed from the ring, heard some of the fruitiest language this side of a dockyard, watched numerous women hit the deck arse first and tasted the drama of EVE" - Time Out!
"I brought my sisters and a few friends and we had such an amazing time. Everyone should get to know EVE!" - GLOW Star & Musician Kate Nash
“EVE goes further than the scripts of GLOW and political restraints of WWE could ever allow” – The Independent
“Totally punk rock” – Kerrang! Magazine
EVE features #WomensWrestling superstars you've seen on such programs as #AEW, #WWE, #NXT, #NXTUK, #ROH, #Impact and all over the Japanese #Joshi scene
🎟🎫👕 Tickets, Training Academy, Charities, Union, Merchandise and On Demand all available at EVEwrestling.com
Filmed live in Bethnal Green London on Sony PXW-Z150 with additional comments recorded using the Blue Yeti microphone. All equipment available on Amazon.
Find EVE wrestlers on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok
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