Foods I Eat to Fuel My 70-year-young Athletic Body

Описание к видео Foods I Eat to Fuel My 70-year-young Athletic Body

This week’s video is all about the fuel aka food that I put in my body, which allows it to run at an optimum level. I start off by introducing one of the most nutritious juices you can make for yourself: Celery Juice! I love having it in the morning, a couple of minutes after drinking water. The reason why this dynamic juice is on the morning menu is because it has anti-inflammatory properties. Sometimes we’re not even aware of the inflammation in our bodies, but this juice is always on the lookout with its healing properties and at the same time improves skin health, the digestive tract’s function and helps to relax nerves, which are sometimes damaged due to poor food choices and an unhealthy lifestyle. It also reduces bloating, hydrates the body, strengthens and hydrates the hair in addition to clearing up acne. In short: It’s WONDERFUL!

In these hot summer months, the best (in my opinion) foods you can incorporate into your diet are organic fruits. Although I do intermittent fasting, usually on Sundays, I’ll treat myself to a delicious fruit bowl consisting of: Pineapple, grapefruit, oranges, blueberries and blackberries, in addition to my all time favorite, Pomegranate! All the aforementioned fruits contain “disease fighting” antioxidants that may reduce the risk of cancer, ease symptoms of arthritis, improve heart health and with the addition of pomegranate improves exercise endurance and supports urinary health.

Black beans are essential (along with all other beans) to a plant based diet. Eating them promotes heart health, promotes blood sugar control, and according to some studies can help reduce the risk of cancer development due to their flavonoids and phytochemical compounds. As an 70 athlete, I can say without doubt that they are very beneficial in improving bone health as well.

If this is your first time joining the Ageless Fitness Lifestyle community, let me introduce myself. My name is Pauline Adeleke and this year (August 2022) I will turn 70 years young. I’m of the opinion that we don’t let “age” change us but rather we can “change the way we age.”

I am a fitness trainer residing in the New York Metropolitan area. I work with clients of all ages and fitness levels remotely and in person. If you’re looking for a PT that will bring out the very best in you, I would love to work with you. Let’s get social on IG:

@ paulineadeleke


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