中国(云南)滇‌味生活-辣子鸡 China (Yunnan) Dian Food Life-Spicy Chicken

Описание к видео 中国(云南)滇‌味生活-辣子鸡 China (Yunnan) Dian Food Life-Spicy Chicken

美食背后藏着一方风土、烟火人间,滇味是舌尖上的多样,26个民族炊烟中的故乡。《滇味·生活》的美食之旅还未完待续,寻找美食,我们是认真的。每一位编导都是用胃来说话的资深吃货,每一位摄像都是强迫症的资深患者。 风景咱可以慢慢看,但美食一定要趁热吃。云南那么大,我们去吃吃看。天养食材,滇味生活。吃货们,您有一份“美食套餐”已送达,请接单。

Behind the food lies the local customs and the people of the world. Yunnan flavor is the diversity on the tip of the tongue, the hometown of 26 ethnic groups in the smoke of cooking. The food journey of "Yunnan Flavor·Life" is not over yet, we are serious about finding food. Every director is a senior foodie who speaks with his stomach, and every cameraman is a senior patient of obsessive-compulsive disorder. We can take our time to enjoy the scenery, but we must eat the food while it is hot. Yunnan is so big, let's go and try it. Natural ingredients, Yunnan flavor life. Foodies, you have a "food package" delivered, please accept the order.


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