AMANPULO Luxury Resort - Green Sea Turtle Release, Island Adventure, Snorkeling. Our 2nd Full Day!

Описание к видео AMANPULO Luxury Resort - Green Sea Turtle Release, Island Adventure, Snorkeling. Our 2nd Full Day!

Welcome Back to AMANPULO Resort!

This is our 2nd full day of activities. Hope you enjoy some of our excursions.

We did some really fun stuff while there, but I'd have to say we were so lucky and fortunate to have witnessed the release of green sea turtles into the wild. Only happens once every few months, and we had no idea this was going to happen until we were told that day by the staff. As you can see in the video, it looks like all the residents of the island gathered for this special occasion.

AMANPULO is truly an amazing place! If you ever have the chance to visit, do not hesitate. It's well worth it. The room rates are pretty steep at first glance, but if you consider how much is actually included, from meals to activities. It's really not as expensive as you'd first think. I think the only extra expenses we incurred were the gift shop and some time spent at the Kawayan Bar.

From AMANPULO, we now travel to Singapore and Indonesia. Check back soon for our adventures in Singapore, Bintan Island Indonesia and Marina Bay Sands.

Check Back Soon for the next Adventure!


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